Well, folks. Christmas has come and gone for another year. The festivities started for us at my grandparents' house on Christmas Eve with my dad's family. Food was eaten, presents were opened, and good times were had by all. Santa found the Camille house once again and we were surprised not to find one single lump of coal under our tree. Everyone was satisfied for the most part. He brought me a pretty pink camera so that I can document my time in the Kingdom a little better, so be on the lookout for pictures soon. Bean got a new, fancy camera as well, and Jack unfortunately did not get the new Xbox he asked for, but is now sufficiently decked out in Mississippi State paraphernalia. We made the trek to Raleigh yesterday morning and celebrated with my mom's family for Christmas Day, (a family trip to Disney in February was definitely tossed around as a possibility) and then headed to Dunn to visit a few more relatives. (Shoutouts to Jen and Aunt Dollie. It's always nice to see y'all). Back in the beautiful Ashevegas, we are enjoying a night of television and relaxation. Now that the holidays are over, all I have to do for the next few days is pack.
Disney Challenge:
Number 5: Favorite hero
It took me a minute to decide who was going to be my favorite hero. First of all because there aren't many actual heroes in Disney movies. They're mostly heroines. At least in the classics. But, after digging through memories of Disney movies, I wonder why I didn't think of my favorite right off the bat. Peter Pan. Peter is all about rescuing everybody in a physical sense. The quintessential hero. He's rescued all the lost boys, given them a home and someone to look after them, and taught them to survive in Neverland. He rescues Tiger Lily from Captain Hook when he captures her. He rescues Tink from Hook, even after she plots against him to get rid of Wendy and Peter banishes her forever, and then he rescues Wendy and the lost boys from- you guessed it- Hook. But most importantly in my opinion, Peter rescues Wendy from having to grow up too quickly. If you'll remember, at the beginning of the movie, Mr. Darling is fed up with Wendy's stories and insists that she move out of the nursery, into a room of her own, and grow up. When Mr. and Mrs. Darling arrive home from their party to find Wendy asleep at the window in the nursery after their Neverland adventure, Mr. Darling catches a glimpse of Peter Pan's pirate ship and remembers it from his own childhood. My theory is that he remembers being a child fondly, and knows that so much changes in the adult world and so much that is magic to a child is ordinary through the eyes of a grown up. At this realization, he allows Wendy to stay in the nursery, continue her stories, and keep a grasp on that childlike wonder for a little while longer.
Disney Challenge:
Number 5: Favorite hero
It took me a minute to decide who was going to be my favorite hero. First of all because there aren't many actual heroes in Disney movies. They're mostly heroines. At least in the classics. But, after digging through memories of Disney movies, I wonder why I didn't think of my favorite right off the bat. Peter Pan. Peter is all about rescuing everybody in a physical sense. The quintessential hero. He's rescued all the lost boys, given them a home and someone to look after them, and taught them to survive in Neverland. He rescues Tiger Lily from Captain Hook when he captures her. He rescues Tink from Hook, even after she plots against him to get rid of Wendy and Peter banishes her forever, and then he rescues Wendy and the lost boys from- you guessed it- Hook. But most importantly in my opinion, Peter rescues Wendy from having to grow up too quickly. If you'll remember, at the beginning of the movie, Mr. Darling is fed up with Wendy's stories and insists that she move out of the nursery, into a room of her own, and grow up. When Mr. and Mrs. Darling arrive home from their party to find Wendy asleep at the window in the nursery after their Neverland adventure, Mr. Darling catches a glimpse of Peter Pan's pirate ship and remembers it from his own childhood. My theory is that he remembers being a child fondly, and knows that so much changes in the adult world and so much that is magic to a child is ordinary through the eyes of a grown up. At this realization, he allows Wendy to stay in the nursery, continue her stories, and keep a grasp on that childlike wonder for a little while longer.
Number six: Favorite animal
You mean besides Mickey and Minnie? Walt Disney said himself, it all started with a mouse. So everyone's favorite ought to be Mickey, or none of us would be where we are. Seriously though, there are so many, it's hard to pick. I could go with Gus for obvious reasons. I love Winnie the Pooh. I guess I'll pick Meeko, from Pocahontas. He's a funny little dude with a huge attitude. He's cautious about new people, but the people he knows and trusts he's completely loyal to. He's adventurous though, a daredevil. When people ask him if everybody else jumped off a cliff, would he also, he says "Heck yeah. Pocahontas and I just did that the other day and it was awesome." Meeko seems to me like a really good friend, even though he's a raccoon. He's always looking out for Pocahontas and trying to help her find where her arrow points. And he always provided a little comic relief.

Who always saved the day for you as a kid? Which animal do you want for a pal? Let me know, and be on the lookout for sidekicks and villains in the morning!
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